Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Update
So, I hope that all of my readers had a Merry Christmas! JJ and I sure did. I received only 1 gift But, it was the 1 thing I wanted. Can you guess what it was? That's right........An Ipad2!!!!!
Yay me. It's a beauty, too! Anyhow, I am SUPER excited about the new ventures this gadget brings. I will have a new wireless router by the end of the week, and I can update regularly, and keep in contact.Pictures are soon to be flooding this blog.LOL. Yay!
Here I am in pics with JJ, and my BFF(who just went natural). I wore my hair in a high puff for Christmas. Hope your New Year is bright. Hope your hair is looking tight :)
* I am still on vacay til next week. Just wanted to update you my loves. Muahhh.*
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
H.O.T.D. time,
Monday, December 26, 2011
Guest Blogger Spot
So,I did my first Guest Blogger spot on the highly acclaimed Chi Chi Sophistication Blog .Yay me!!!. Here is the link below. Hope you all enjoy! Have a Blessed Day!
As always What were your thoughts? Any tips you'd like to add? Let a sistah know below.................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
ChiChi Sophistication,
H.O.T.D. time,
Saturday, December 24, 2011
NatMuLab #4
Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night!Here is BSBlog's NatMuLab for the week . It's my favorite Christmas song. I find it so appropriate for tonight. Enjoy!
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au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Friday, December 23, 2011
Entry #1
So, this is it, and it's official! My son, the wonderfully fabulous, JJ now has a blog.
Check him out as we document discoveries, issues, and life in general. This Blog brings our readers into JJ's world! This is his life.
Join us...won't you? Check him out @ http://www.JJs-spot.blogspot.com
Name: JJ
Age: 2
DOB: 1-25-09
Faves: Barney, Thomas the Train, Elmo
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Love Letter to my Hair
Dear Natural Hair:
I am so madly in love with you!
I am sitting here writing this love letter to you. I want to let you know that all I do is think of you.
We met and as children, and rekindled our love just several years past. I am glad to say that I am more in love with you with you now, than I have ever been before. You make me complete . You make me whole. You were the missing key to my soul.
Thank you for showing me how to love you and what true love REALLY is. Thank you for being so versatile and free. You helped to shape the "NATURAL" woman inside of me.
Thank you for sticking with me through the good and the bad. People stop and stare and make sly remarks, but you allow me to walk free and walk upright with pride. I am so lucky to have you right by my Dear side.
So,simply-thank you my love. thanks for the love. I love you back. I didn't know what I had til I gave up that crack.
Love Always,
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
love letter,
Friday, December 16, 2011
NatMuLab #3
This week's NatMuLab music comes in the form of a Christmas playlist. Hope you all enjoy! Enjoy!!!!!

all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Top 10
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Exclusively for BSBLOGS @
Girl, Hey!
you rocking a natural ‘do?
What happened to the old days-
When we rocked perms, and weaves with glue?
Girl, I simply grew up
And my hair did too!!
I retired the old
And I found my roots.
Now my hair is kickin
Like a fresh pair of boots
See, my roots were buried, but
Not quite dead
They were relaxing next to some old “HOTHEAD”
I picked my roots up, embraced them and said,
“Hello Roots and how are you?
I’ve neglected you far too long, How’s about a truce?”
The Roots softly whispered, “Why thank you. You’re so kind,
Will you promise to love all of me?
I’m black, kinky, and fine.
My roots and I obliged each other, and fell in love this day
Our love affair is one of a kind and so DIVINE.
They keep me grounded, and I keep them on track.
We are so happy, we have not looked back!
I told that “Hothead” get off that creamy crack. The crack is WHACK!!!
Anyhow, GIRL:
This is why I rock my new ‘do
You wouldn’t understand my praise
And I don’t expect you to!
So do me a favor and continue to do what you ‘do!!!
Original work by: Miss Chastity Williams
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Camera Fun
So, today I have been finding opportunities to snap shots of the fro I am Rocking with my phone. The first pic is of my box braids/plaits that resulted in the following Afro style. The app I used is called Camera Fun, and it's free in the Android Market. The prods used: Coconut oil, water/leave-in-conditioner spray mix, and an Afro pick. I finalized the style by pushing it back with a silk scarf. Enjoy!
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au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Natural Hair Confessions
Can you keep a secret?? Shh, Don't tell nobody! here it is....This is the blog post I am dreading most.
LOL. I am writing today about my natural hair confessions. Yes, I have flaws! We all do!! I stand before my peers today, and confess!
1.In the beginning........I knew nothing about hair, but I was styling daily...!
2.I still have products from when I was a permie(Mainly....Pink Oil Moisturizer). LOL. Need to donate or trash it, but I secretly use them from time to time...cause I want to use em up!!! I know it's bad,.....HELP!
3. Sometimes I do comb and brush my hair, but I make sure I am cautious.
4. I have NOT had my ends trimmed in over 2 years!
Disclaimer: Me and my hair ARE NOT PERFECT. So don't judge.
Whew........Now that's over...I feel better. You can scold me NOW.....In 3,2,1:(
What are your thoughts on my confessions? What are some of your hair confessions? Let a sistah know below............
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Friday, December 9, 2011
Video Response
Have you EVER wanted to know a man's opinion of natural hair? EVER wanted to know his true, honest to God thoughts on the subject?
Just a few nights ago, I stumbled upon an amazing video on FB. It seemed to be shared via Youtube. The video response you are about to see was prompted by an online question that asked: What to do when my Boyfriend like your natural hair?Hmmmmmm. Good Question
This video response is amongst the best I have seen on YT to date.It has sparked lots of views, remarks, ETC on all social networking sites. I had to share. Hope you enjoy!!!
Was that awesome or what? What part did you enjoy most? Let a sistah know below..........................
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au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Today's music genius mixing things up in the NatMuLab, is another one of my absolute favorite neo-soul singers, artist from my generation. I absolutely LOVE her. It is Miss India Arie.
This song is the epitamy of me. Very powerful message. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!! I dedicate this to EVERY natural, self-loving, self-seeking female, male, and child.
Hope you enjoy!
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
India Arie,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Natural Hair Inspiration
Dear Natty Hair Reader:
Every now and again, I run across a pic that I fall in love with and want to share with you.
The other night was no exception.I was watching Real Housewives of Atlanta, or RHOA for short. Yeah, you know, Bravo TV's highly rated Reality show about 5 housewives from Atlanta, GA. It was great. Loved every minute. I especially loved when Ms. Cynthia Bailey's hubby, Peter unveiled a painting of her to his clientele. Boy, my first thoughts were:
Is Cynthia natural? I know she models, but is it real or a wig? Hmm.
Right now, I am thinking: Either way, she rocked that style, and that painting is absolutely FIERCE!!!!
So, without further a due.....Ready or not......Here she comes!!!!
SORRY THIS PIC SUCKS!YOU CAN'T SEE THE GORGEOUS FRO:( It will have to do until I can find another.
As always, who is your fave housewife? What do you think of Cynthia's photo?
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Saturday, December 3, 2011
BSBlog Love?
Are you a fan of BSBlogs? Did you say, the Biggest fan around?
Well, with tonight's Blog post...It's Official.
We are now selling BSBlog apparel, and tees in our online teeshop. And, just in time for Christmas!!!
So, stop, shop, and order yours today!!!!!! The newest item is displayed below.
Direct link to our teeshop:
Leave a comment about our new items. What did you think? Yea or nay.
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au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Friday, December 2, 2011
Top 10
Here it is folks! The Top 10 Slogans that would fit a natural hair lifestyle........
(David Letterman Style)
10.The Home Depot-" You can Do it....We can Help"
9. Nike-"Just Do It"
8.L'Oreal-" Because I'm worth it"
7.Campbell's- "M'm! M'm! Good!!
6.Capri Sun-" I can Respect that"
5.Sally Hansen-"Beauty that Works"
4.LG- "Life's Good"
3.Oscar Mayer-" It doesn't get better than this!"
2.Olay- "Love the Skin You're in"
1. McDonald's-" I'm lovin it"
Then here's a bit of trivia. Q:If you had to pick a state to grow natural state in, which would you pick?
A: Arkansas, the Natural State.
Did you like the slogans?Any you'd recommend? Which is your fave? Let a sistah know below............
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Top 10
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Welcome!As we all know: Music makes the world go world. It's universal. It's what brings us together. This is a new feature on BSBlogs...I call it the NatMuLab. NatMuLab stands for Natural Music Lab. LOL.
I intend to post a song that relates to hair once weekly. That's if I can find them. Hope you enjoy song #1.
Mario-Braid my hair.
Note: We will even be taking requests. So use the contact me form to the Right of this post, and contact me with any and ALL requests. Thanks, and again, ENJOY!!!!!!!
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Who would you say is your FAVORITE natural living or dead? And why?
I would have to say mine is: Erykah Badu.
I love this woman. Her persona, her music, EVERYTHING.
She hasn't actually worn her natural hair out too many times, but I do believe she has a video, where she is actually bald. She breaks the mold in the Industry, flys off the handle sometimes, but always does her. I love that about her. She's an advocate,Bold,edgy, green-eyed, beautiful, woman, and a Dallas native like myself. This is my FAVORITE natural.
As always, who is your fave natural? Why? Let a sistah know below..................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Eryakah Badu,
Celebrity Spotlight: Jada Pinkett- Smith
Jada Pinkett-Smith, is wife to Will Smith. Mother to Jayden, and Willow Smith. Stepmother to Trey Smith. She is an actress,active musician in an all girl band, and a GORGEOUSLY beautiful natural. So, we will just say that she wears many hats!
This young, modern woman of stage, and screen in Hollywood, wasn't always natural though.Some of her early film footage, and video clips like: Low Down Dirty Shame(1994),& Tupac's Keep Yo Head Up show Ms. Pinkett-Smith rocking permed hair. The guess as to when she went natural is unknown to me. I do know that Jada attributes her natural hair growth to using Carol's Daughter products. She loves it so much that I believe she is an investment partner. These products are said to be awesome. I hope to try them all soon. Anyhow, The fact still remains:Jada has rocked the low, bald fade and has grown it out to long lengths presently. With so much attention on her beautiful new crown of hair she was ultimately asked to be a spokeswoman for Carol's Daughter.
I love Jada Pinkett-Smith. I love Jada Pinkett-Smith's hair!!!!!
Banner courtesy of http://www.carolsdaughter.com
What are your thoughts on Jada's hair? Her length retention?Her style? Let a sistah know below.............................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Jada Pinkett Smith,
Whip my hair,
Will Smith,
Willow Smith,
So, last night my family and I watched a darn good film! I had to wake up and share this review with my readers ASAP.
No, we didn't head to the theater(too cold). We stayed home in bed, and enjoyed the next best thing-Netflix.
The movie was called, "Skin". Have you heard of this or perhaps seen this?
If not, you need to!You are sleeping on a great movie.
It is the story of a young white couple in the 60s, who happen to live in S. Africa, and they have a daughter, who some believe is Black. She has the appearance of a black child. Her hair is kinky, and her "skin"(HINTS THE NAME) is dark. Scientist, teachers, and obviously her parents are baffled by this phenom. Thus making this a great film to sit and watch. The main focus of the film was race relations, but it is powerful. Packs a punch, and gives an opposing view of Discrimination. I mean I thoroughly enjoyed myself.I found that there were many teaching moments in this film, that explores the life of a white child who appears black.
The movie was filmed in 2009, and stars Sophie Okonendo, as Sandra Laing. You may remember Okonendo from "The Secret Lives of Bees. She portrays "Mae" in that film.
I loved Sophie Okonendo in TSLOB, and now in Skin. She is a great actress, and a beautiful natural. Her hair is out of sight, and looks healthy. I hope you find time to watch this soon. Watch and Enjoy. I sure did!And yes, this is based on a true and amazing story!!!!!!
What are your thoughts on this review? Will you support, and check this film out? Wanna see more movie reviews? Let a sistah know below..............
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Monday, November 28, 2011
Weave ...Me..... alone(Again)
Hey all, If you loyally follow this blog, you know that I work in the school District. Today, I had the privilege(total sarcasm) of seeing a 6th grader , all of maybe 11 -12 years old with a full head of weave.She must have gotten it done over the Thanksgiving break, because it looked fresh. It was curly, really cute, but black and blonde mixed.
My heart went out to this poor child. I saw her talking to guys her age, and some girlfriends too! Here was my thought process: WOW! When did she get a perm? And why is she wearing weaves in elementary. Man, are they getting younger? Is that in dress code? LOL. SMH.
Then I said to myself her mother and father had to give their ok, so what can I say.
I do believe my mother relaxed my hair at a young age, but she did it to help manage it. I was still wearing cute kiddie styles in elementary. But who am I to judge?To each it's own. We are in the land of the free. Free to be and say who and what you want. Right? God Bless America!
As always, what are your thoughts on this post? Let a sistah know below..............................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Here is a link to my HOTD-Hair of the Day for November 25, 2011. This was a simple wash n' go. Completed in under 5 mnutes, and the results turned out nice. Hope this tutorial helped someone. Oh, my son, JJ makes a small appearance. LOL.
As always, What were your thoughts? What did you like? Have a link you'd like to share? Let a sistah know below................................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
H.O.T.D. time,
wash n'go
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I am thankful for all my followers. Thankful for My readers.
Thank you all so muchBut just like Tina Turner, "There's something on my mind" I had a family member ask tonight after a VERY delicious dinner: "If you are natural , why do you have makeup on?" My face almost turned upside down.LOL This is just one of the misconceptions people have about being natural. Or is it? Just because I'm natural, does that automatically mean I have to be a vegan, naked-faced, and a natural hair wearing woman? REALLY? I think not. Tonight just like any holiday or special occasion or event....women want to wear makeup. Its what we're born to do. I don't wear it daily, but when I do I love it. So, as always, what are your thoughts? Do you feel being natural means Au naturale (EVERYTHING)? Let a sistah know below.........................
all natural products,
au naturale,
Black natural hair,
Friday, November 11, 2011
Spotlight: Kimberly "Kimmie" P.(my friend, Hair Idol)
BlackSistah:So, to bring our story to the readers of this blog...How exactly are we acquainted?
KP:We've grew up together and have been long time friends for years. Since 7th grade I believe :-)
BlackSistah:How long have you been natural?
KP:To be honest I have lost count of the years. If I had to guesstimate I would stay close to 10 years now. (Maybe 8)
BlackSistah:What made you want to go natural?
KP:At the time I went natural it really wasn't what I consider to now be a "trend". So there really wasn't a specific person or hairstyle that made me want to do it. I just knew I was tired all the perms and wanted to do something different. So one day I vowed never to perm my hair again and haven't looked back since.
BlackSistah:How would you describe your hair journey thus far? What things do you love? What things do you hate?
KP:It has been an amazing journey of self discovery and freedom. One of the things I love most is the versatility that comes from being natural. I guess one of the biggest dislikes is the maintenance that can sometimes be a burden when going natural. It does require a little more TLC towards your curly hair VS. permed hair. The pay off is well worth it though.
BlackSistah:Do you have a regimen? If so, what is it? If not, how come?
KP:I don't have a regimen. Although there is definitely nothing wrong with having one. My schedule is very busy so even if I did have one I doubt I would stick to it lol. Just lots of co-washing and moisturizer for my hair type seems to do the trick.
BlackSistah:Did you BC or transition?
KP:I wasn't bold enough to do the chop. I admire everyone that does though. Its very beautiful on African American women. I transitioned, hiding my hair with twist, micro braids, wigs, etc.
BlackSistah:Who inspires the natural you?
KP:I don't know if I have a "natural" inspiration. If I had to pick one Erykah Badu is an amazing person. I love everything she stands for. Lauryn Hill is another.
BlackSistah:What advice do you have for new naturals?
KP:Have patience. Give your hair time to restore itself back to its natural form without all the chemicals. Also give yourself time to rediscover and become comfortable with the "real" you. It didn't happen for me overnight but as the years have gone by I have grown to love my hair (and myself) more everyday.
BlackSistah:What other things should we know about you?
KP:I'm an entrepreneur. I own a clothing store in Dallas,TX. called "La Diva Fashions". I support all black own beauty supply stores (or any black owned businesses) and others should too if they are in your area. If you have ever wondered why there are not more Black owned Beauty Supply Stores please read the following article and start supporting our people !!! http://www.the-savvy-sista.com/2011/05/think-on-this-why-koreans-dominate.html
It is long time we take back this Billion Dollar industry that is funded by us 99.99%
BlackSistah:What ways can we stay in contact?
KP: Feel free to reach out to me on Facebook under "Kimberly Person" or shoot me an email anytime to kimberlyperson112@yahoo.com Now, can you see why I had to do this post? She inspires me with her Gorgeous crown of hair! She HONESTLY was the one I saw on Dallas streets rocking her natural hair @ a very young age. Her confidence consumed me, and gave me the boost of confidence to go natural. Thanks again Kimmie for agreeing to do this post. I love you, my Beautiful, natural friend. NOTE: All photos are owned by Kimmie P.*DO NOT USE UNLESS PERMITTED.
KP:We've grew up together and have been long time friends for years. Since 7th grade I believe :-)
BlackSistah:How long have you been natural?
KP:To be honest I have lost count of the years. If I had to guesstimate I would stay close to 10 years now. (Maybe 8)
BlackSistah:What made you want to go natural?
KP:At the time I went natural it really wasn't what I consider to now be a "trend". So there really wasn't a specific person or hairstyle that made me want to do it. I just knew I was tired all the perms and wanted to do something different. So one day I vowed never to perm my hair again and haven't looked back since.
BlackSistah:How would you describe your hair journey thus far? What things do you love? What things do you hate?
KP:It has been an amazing journey of self discovery and freedom. One of the things I love most is the versatility that comes from being natural. I guess one of the biggest dislikes is the maintenance that can sometimes be a burden when going natural. It does require a little more TLC towards your curly hair VS. permed hair. The pay off is well worth it though.
BlackSistah:Do you have a regimen? If so, what is it? If not, how come?
KP:I don't have a regimen. Although there is definitely nothing wrong with having one. My schedule is very busy so even if I did have one I doubt I would stick to it lol. Just lots of co-washing and moisturizer for my hair type seems to do the trick.
BlackSistah:Did you BC or transition?
KP:I wasn't bold enough to do the chop. I admire everyone that does though. Its very beautiful on African American women. I transitioned, hiding my hair with twist, micro braids, wigs, etc.
BlackSistah:Who inspires the natural you?
KP:I don't know if I have a "natural" inspiration. If I had to pick one Erykah Badu is an amazing person. I love everything she stands for. Lauryn Hill is another.
BlackSistah:What advice do you have for new naturals?
KP:Have patience. Give your hair time to restore itself back to its natural form without all the chemicals. Also give yourself time to rediscover and become comfortable with the "real" you. It didn't happen for me overnight but as the years have gone by I have grown to love my hair (and myself) more everyday.
BlackSistah:What other things should we know about you?
KP:I'm an entrepreneur. I own a clothing store in Dallas,TX. called "La Diva Fashions". I support all black own beauty supply stores (or any black owned businesses) and others should too if they are in your area. If you have ever wondered why there are not more Black owned Beauty Supply Stores please read the following article and start supporting our people !!! http://www.the-savvy-sista.com/2011/05/think-on-this-why-koreans-dominate.html
It is long time we take back this Billion Dollar industry that is funded by us 99.99%
BlackSistah:What ways can we stay in contact?
KP: Feel free to reach out to me on Facebook under "Kimberly Person" or shoot me an email anytime to kimberlyperson112@yahoo.com Now, can you see why I had to do this post? She inspires me with her Gorgeous crown of hair! She HONESTLY was the one I saw on Dallas streets rocking her natural hair @ a very young age. Her confidence consumed me, and gave me the boost of confidence to go natural. Thanks again Kimmie for agreeing to do this post. I love you, my Beautiful, natural friend. NOTE: All photos are owned by Kimmie P.*DO NOT USE UNLESS PERMITTED.
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Reasons why
So, why do BlackSistah write this blog?
What is it's purpose? And...
What's this whole natural hair craze about?
Well, the answers are simple. I, BlackSistah, of BSBlogs write this blog in hopes to inspire, educate, and encourage other naturals. I hope to inspire natural kids, women, and men to take a lot at the beauty within before they indulge into Society's standard of beauty. I hope to educate others by simply reviewing products, demonstrating hair how-tos, and teaching hair knowledge. I do it for my people, I do it for myself, I do it just because its a expressive outlet for me. I not only get to talk about hair that I love with Black people, whom I love, but I get to write. Writing happens to be my BIGGEST passion!
This whole natural hair craze is not a fad, nor a way of thinking-It is a WAY OF LIFE, AND A LIFESTYLE. We, as naturals
are not here to look down on anyone. We do not promote hate or negativity. We overcome Black hair stereotypes and emerge VICTORIOUS to stand and say: We think Creamy Crack is WHACK!!!( That's all. But in that same breath we also say that as a freed people one has the right to express themselves any way they feel! This applies to life, sexual creed, etc.Do what you wanna do and be who you want to be!!!! I love being natural. I love the natural community for embracing me, my blog, for coming together to unite and educate blacks as a whole. This is something positive that uplifts communities and brings a sense of pride to one's own self! Natural hair to me promotes inner beauty, self-pride, self-esteem, and plain ole strength. It takes a strong person to go natural. You have good hair days, bad hair days, nasty comments, and nasty stares!You have to be tough as nails to deal with hair dramas, woes, and hateful people >This is on top of just living life.But in the end knowing you are a self-educated, beautiful, natural women, man or child makes it all worth it. So I say:"Do you and Do it naturally!!!!"
And as always: What are your thoughts on tonight's post? Did you agree? Did you disagree? Let a sistah know below...................................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Prod. Review: IC Fantasia Hair Gel
IC Fantasia has a nice hair gel that I just tried for the first time a couple of days ago!
so....If you are in the market for new hair gel...Check this new YT product review of mine. Enjoy!
And as always......What were your thoughts on this prod. review?Let a Sistah know below..............
so....If you are in the market for new hair gel...Check this new YT product review of mine. Enjoy!
And as always......What were your thoughts on this prod. review?Let a Sistah know below..............
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
H.O.T.D. time,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Cosby kids
What decade were you born? The 60s? 70s?80s?Every decade has a pivotal moment,or role in society. The 60s were about racial equality and the Civil Rights Movements. The 70s were about peace, love, and no more wars. The 80s? Hmm,I was born into the 80s.Right after the turn of that decade I made my grand entrance. LOL.
I sure miss the 80s.
The 80s symbolized so much in my little life.I just sit back and wish I could go back sometimes. Aww, the wonderful memories and innocence of childhood.
I mean from Michael Jackson and Thriller, to Reading Rainbow, and Miami Vice to the Cosby Show and Big Hair!
Yes, I said the Cosby Show and Big hair
The Show The Cosby Show was and still is an influential, groundbreaking TV series that dominated 80s TV! It broke racial and color barriers and dealt with issues that we still deal with today!
With me being an 80s baby, I can say that the Cosby Show, for me was the epitamy of all Black families. I wanted to be like them.I admired them. I never knew these black,middle class, successful, highly-functional families existed until I watched an episode. LOL. Sad, but true.The show, If you have been living under a rock for the last 25 years, features, and All-black cast, and everyone can relate to someone on the show. The father is played by William "Bill" Cosby. The Mother is played by Phylicia Rashad. The kids : Malcolm Jamal-Werner, Keshia Knight-Pulliam, Tempestt Bledsoe, Lisa Bonet,and Sabrina LeBeauf.
The Hair
Did you ever stop for a moment to notice something different about these images of Blacks on Television? What's was different?
Could it be that EVERY, and I do repeat every cast member on the Cosby Show had natural hair. Yes, I said EVERYONE! Even Mr. Cosby himself!They were rocking braids, twists, & puffs way before us.
This was Mr. Cosby's show, and he cared about the image he was putting out there on our behalf that many years ago.
Like I said I miss the 80s. So grateful for the positive images that were being spoon fed to me even then.Miss the Cosby Show! Thank you Mr. Cosby for being an influential part of TV history, and for upholding our image amongst the media masses. Stay encouraged Naturalistas. Note: picture source: aoltv.com
And as always: What didn't you like? What did you like about the article? Do you remember the Cosby show?Who was your favorite natural looking back? Let a sistah know below................................................
all natural products,
Bill Cosby,
Black natural hair,
The Cosby Show,
Monday, November 7, 2011
H.O.T.D. -11/7/11
This is my hair of the Day in pics and YouTube.com footage of my how-to. It's a classic pin & tuck inspired from 1940's "pin up" or calendar girls.The style I rocked this day was all the brainchild of another Youtuber, but for the likes of me I cannot recall her name. Sorry. Her hair was longer,but I insisted on trying this style for myself!For this being my first attempt, I think I did well! I will definitely let you be the judge, though:)
*So, what were your thoughts on this style? Did you like? What didn't you like? Let a Sistah know below...................................
Yes, I surf the YouTube.com channels daily looking for hair-spiration( hair+ inspiration)!
I have learned so much from the YouTube.com natural hair community, and am still learning. The lessons have shown to be quite valuable. These things I learn I love to blog about and show other curly gurlies to care for Black kinks and curls.
*So, what were your thoughts on this style? Did you like? What didn't you like? Let a Sistah know below...................................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
H.O.T.D. time,
Did you know?
Today I wanted to share an easy haircare tip with you. Ask yourself this Q: Have I ever washed my hair and needed to immediately style?
If you answered yes. Keep reading. ------>We all have an old t-shirt or two that we are not wearing lying around the house,right? Did you know you can take this common household item, and dry your wet, natural hair in minutes? Click the link below for a how-to tutorial, from yours truly, and as always leave me feedback.
In most cases we were taught to take a cotton bath towel and towel blot the hair or worse! Some use forceful methods to remove the excess water. They use their hands to manipulate the towel in a way back and forth that the hair fibers get caught up. These fibers are then snagged, and some are ripped, or break off. I did not do this with my tee, I simply wrapped my hair and let the tee do the rest.My hair was dry in minutes.Note:The newest material for these towels, hair wraps, etc.is microfiber. Microfiber is SUPER soft, as you know and is also SUPER safe for the hair. Some wraps have surfaced and they are made from velour, EVEN polyester! These products are highly recommended. Find these products and others at: http://www.amazon.com (Search Turbie Twists or hair towel wraps)Hope this was helpful! As always What are your thoughts on this product? Let a Sistah know below.....................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Saturday, November 5, 2011
The Acronym H.O.T.D stands for Hair Of the Day! This is my hair for Saturday, November 5, 2011.
I achieved this style with hair that I washed with Shea Moisture's: Organic Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo.
I washed and gently detangled my hair in the shower.
Once out of the shower I applied my Kinky Curly: Knot Today Leave-In Conditioner. That was the followed up by sealing my ends with coconut oil.
Once all of my styling aids were applied, I proceeded to VERY gently brush my hair back. I then took a section in front and made a hump very loosely twisting the end of that hair section, pushing forward to pin.
Now, I merely brushed the remaining hair back into a puff, and secured with a banana clip. Hope you enjoyed. Hoped this helps someone.
Note: Leave posts, comments and let me know if you too achieved this same look, and the results.
So, what were your thoughts on this style? What did you like? What didn't you like? Any advice? Let a sistah know below.................................................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Shea Moisture,
Friday, November 4, 2011
Natural Hair Do's & Don'ts
Wear a headdress- Cover your hair at night.Great hairdressing examples: silk or satin bonnet, scarf, or sleep on a satin pillowcase. These keep the hair strands from getting snagged by fibers.Hairs that are snagged or pulled by fibers ultimately result in you having broken hairs. Fiber examples: clothes,hats and the fibers in your pillowcases or sheets, etc.
Fingercomb- A technique of using one's hands to part and or comb the hair instead of a comb. Fingercombing the hair will ultimately put less stress on the hair, resulting on less breaking. I cannot tell you never to comb but do so, ONLY when necessary.
Moisturize-I cannot express this enough. Black hair appears to be best described as cottony, and very dry. What does cotton do, but suck up moisture.Try using
your favorite moisturizing butter, cream or oil along with water.Water is the best moisturizer for natural hair. Moisturize daily to help maintain hair growth, promote health.
Detangle- Detangling or the act of removing knots, and tangles is beneficial. The act alone helps to remove shed hairs too!This technique should be done daily, since natural hair tangles OFTEN.Begin with a section of hair. Move gently with a comb from the ends of the hair to the root. Do this for the whole head! Remember : USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Overheat-Heat is very damaging to all hair types, but especially so amongst type4 hair. Be careful when using heat to style. It ultimately causes breakage, and leaves some natural hair ladies with curls that won't revert back to its natural state. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Use harsh products- Avoid products like parabens, sulfates, and petroleum. These are not safe for natural hair. Avoid, Avoid, AVOID!!!!
Follow these tips and you should be on the way to having long, healthy, natural hair. Hope this helps?
What tip do you feel is the best of all? Do you agree with my tips? What would add to the list? lET A SISTAH KNOW BELOW.................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Shea Moisture,
Thursday, November 3, 2011
This message is powerful, and can teach. Just think about it:
This is an awesome quote I found via the internet months back.It comes from Mr. Marcus Garvey, a Black philanthropist, and Civil Rights Leader. I felt like sharing this because it speaks to me.I cannot say I know much about Mr. Garvey but, this I do know: I LOVE THIS QUOTE!
Says to me: that I am beautiful, no matter my hair type. I don't have to try and pretend to be something I'm not .Fore I am NOT society's distorted image of beauty. I am free to be me. NATURAL, little ole me.
See the kinks Mr. Garvey speaks of are not those on my natural crown. No. You don't have kinks in the brain, or mind. He is mildly referring to the negative, stereotypical images, and or thoughts you have on someone's kinky texture.
Maybe you have self-image problems and find it hard to relate to a natural? Perhaps you hate something within you, and project this self hate onto others you come into contact. Either way,I absolutely love who and what being natural has made of me. I am stronger because of it.
This quote says to me: We as a society, get stuck on first appearances, that don't even matter. I mean, we primp, press and curl to fit into someone else's mold. And all along, the kinks you try and rid are in your mind.So, "GET YOUR MIND RIGHT." Promote love within, and it will radiate from the inside outward.
The message: Love yourself. And once you truly love self, it comes naturally to love others.
Fore if we truly stopped to look within ourselves you would find that we can and all connect on some level.
Everyone in life should be admitted a chance, and a fair one. God made man in his image, and God is almighty. My granny always said ," God don't make junk."
Every soul running around here on Earth has a purpose.So try to never judge a book by its cover. Relate to everyone on some sort of level, and find peace within yourself.Love self. I will NOW til eternity rock my hair in it's natural state. Deal with it, and "Remove the kinks from your mind, not your hair."
NOTE:One Black man, if any, likes my natural hair and thinks it's cool! Thank you Mr. Garvey! And no, I don't need Mr. Garvey or any other man to justify me. I knew I was beautiful years before I found this quote.
What are your thoughts on the quote? What did you like? What didn't you like? Let a sistah know below...........................
Black natural hair,
Marcus Garvey,
O' Shea!
So, by now loyal blog followers should have guessed, if it has not been made know, exactly what one of my favorite hair products is.LOL. Did you guess yet?
OK, OK.....It's definitely Shea Moisture. Shea Moisture, an all-natural hair care co. is headed by a Black CEO, Mr. Richelieu Dennis, and has been in Business since 1912. Making them 100 years old next year. Hands down it's Shea Moisture.Did you guess right?
Well, exciting news from Shea Moisture
Just recently they went and did a wonderful thing just for all Shea Moisture fans.
They have released (just in time for Christmas), 2 beautiful Shea Moisture gift sets! That's right. 2.
Both gift sets feature 4-four oz. bottles of Shea Moisture products. And you get all this for the low price of just $14.99!
The first gift set is the Raw She& Argan Oil Repair and Transition kit(not featured in above photo). The second, is Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Shine kit.All of the featured products can be found at Walgreen store and http://www. Walgreens.com
The Shea Moisture family is doing big things from bath and body, and haircare, to Baby products and there's even a line for men. Be on the look out for them, their products and up and coming exciting things. Hopefully, Santa will see my gift wishlist.There are numerous Shea Moisture prods that I still have to try. *Keeping my fingers crossed* ;)----Wink.
Note: I have NOT been paid to endorse these products. I simply love them, and wanted to share my joy. Check them out and see how well you like them, too! --->I highly Recommend. Oh, and NOTE:I have been good this year.LOL. Remember to also support Black-owned businesses this Christmas.
Are you a fan of Shea Moisture? Why or why not? What's your favorite prod from their hair line? Let a sistah know below...........................................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Shea Moisture,
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Nivea's ad(Revisited)
Just over 2 months ago, Nivea, a major market for skin care released an ad that bared the slogan,"Re-Civilize Yourself." Nothing seemed wrong with the words, but the image that followed the ad were of a black male. The black male model was holding the severed head of another black male, who appeared to have a natural head of hair, and an unkempt beard. As you can imagine this ad caused quite an uproar on major social networking sites, and in the Black Community. Thousands of phone calls, posts, and emails were made to the co., and the ad was immediately pulled from all marketing campaigns. I, too, was among the many phone calls, emails that helped bring this mockery to its knees. I re-join this news months later to see what everyone's thoughts on the matter were(THEN & NOW). I remember my feelings being those of outrage. Outrage because I could only imagine a board room full of Caucasian men/women, who without a lick of human decency, voted to make this their campaign slogan. REALLY NOW? Do we as a society even think before we act, anymore?
My true thoughts: Black natural hair is no more uncivilized than Shaggy,from Scooby Doo or Justin Beiber,white teen heartthrob, wearing a unkempt shag hairstyle. The way you wear your hair is just that. Your way. Don't fall victim to other people's image and or stereotypes. Express yourself. This is what the black community is doing by going natural, and we are apart of civilization therefore, VERY much civilized!Anyhow, I used to like their product, but now know to distance myself since I know how they REALLY feel about me. What were your initial thoughts? Do you still feel the same? Will you support Nivea ever again? Let a Sistah know below.....................
My true thoughts: Black natural hair is no more uncivilized than Shaggy,from Scooby Doo or Justin Beiber,white teen heartthrob, wearing a unkempt shag hairstyle. The way you wear your hair is just that. Your way. Don't fall victim to other people's image and or stereotypes. Express yourself. This is what the black community is doing by going natural, and we are apart of civilization therefore, VERY much civilized!Anyhow, I used to like their product, but now know to distance myself since I know how they REALLY feel about me. What were your initial thoughts? Do you still feel the same? Will you support Nivea ever again? Let a Sistah know below.....................
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Sesame Street:Song: I Love My Hair
This song inspires me to keep my hair natural. Hope that you find it inspires you too! LOL. Yes, I'm a kid at heart. *Oh, and please make sure you share it with your kids today.*Enjoy!
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
How to: Newly Natural Starter Kit
You have finally made the decision to go natural. Congrats! You are on the road to self-discovery!!
Let's get started making a basic newly natural starter kit.This kit will not include ALL things needed to maintain the natural crown you now wear, Just the basics. And this is in my opinion, as always. LOL.
1.) Rich Moisturizer-Water is the best moisturizer for natural hair. Pictured here is a water bottle. The water bottle can be used daily. Before and during styling, grab the water bottle for a bit of a spritz. This will add moisture to your hair, and make it more manageable by helping the comb to glide through your hair. *Never comb natural hair while dry for it will aid in breaking and or splitting of your ends*
2.) Sulfate free shampoo- to cleanse, or strip the scalp of any dirt, oils, debris. Cleansing the scalp gives you a fresh canvas to work with, if you will. Pictured here is my Shea Moisture:Organic Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo. Love this stuff!!!!
3.) Super hydrating conditioner OR Leave-In-This will help to hydrate those curls, and even add a bit of moisture back in after has been stripped from shampooing. Pictured here are both my Suave Daily Moisture Conditioner, and my Kinky Curly Knot Today Leave-In.
4.) Wide tooth comb- Combing will aid in detangling knots so, The wider the better.NOTE: Combing can also attribute to damaging and or breaking the natural hair strands! If you can help it,Please use for detangling purposes ONLY! Pictured here is my wide tooth comb that I purchased at Family Dollar Stores for $1.
5:) Styling Aids - This will be your product you apply just before styling.Whether you use butters or creams, you need a styling aid! Pictured here is my Shea Moisture: Organic Coconut and Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie.
6.)Bobby Pins- How else will you secure those cute twists, buns, etc?*These are needed, but not required!*
Use all of these items in conjunction with each other, and enjoy.
Note: I have not been paid to endorse these products. They were used solely because I find they work for me. Find what works for you!
all natural products,
Black natural hair,
Kinky Curly,
Shea Moisture,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Curls Course
So, today while browsing the web I found the best hair chart out there. In my little ole opinion anyhow.LOL.
It was so refreshing to find this info, so I had to share and discuss the images on the chart. Thus, giving the reader enlightenment on natural hair and a curls classification system.This classification system named in this chart were established by Oprah Winfrey's own hairstylist, Mr. Andre Walker.This will help those newly natural, in transition and even those who have been natural for a minute, but never really learned what hair type they have. So here goes:
Type 1
This hair type obviously, is for women who have sleek, straight hair. Mainly, women of Caucasian descent.
Most um, black weaves fall into this category from what I have noticed.LOL
One Celebrity that falls under this category: Actress, Jennifer Aniston
Type 2
This hair type appears to have a wavy texture. They look really soft, and loose but waves or curls none the less.
One Celebrity that falls under this category:
For type 3 hair, These curly girls appear to have the same waves as the type 2 girls but the curls and or wave pattern is way more taught and defined.Making for tighter curls! One Celebrity that falls under this category: Singer, Mya
The women who have this hair type appear have VERY kinky or course hair, and look like me. LOL. I have type 4 hair. I believe I have type 4b or 4c hair
The hair is getting fuzzier and fuzzier. This hair type means that the strands of hair and or curl or wave pattern are VERY tightly wound.One Celebrity that falls under this Category:Singer, Jill Scott
****Hope you find this info useful, and yourself one step closer to learning your real hair texture. Picture source: http://www.curls.biz
Note: I am not a scientist or a hair guru in anyway. he info presented is for entertainment, resource purposes ONLY.Please correct me of you find any of the info incorrect.If any more info is needed please check the above named source. Thanks! Other sources used: http://www.andrewalkerhair.com
all natural products,
Andre Walker,
Black natural hair,
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Big Announcement: (The Video)
Video source:http://www.youtube.com
Spotlight: Sunshine of Sunshine'sNatural and Loving It!!!
BlackSistah: Is Sunshine your real name? What's the story behind it?
Sunshine:Yes, SunShine is my real name. My real nick name that is. My great grandmother Mama Sarah named me that when I was a baby and it just stuck! I used it throughout life and even while in college too. I don't think anyone knew that my first name was Shauna lol. So, when I first started my Facebook page and put Shauna ppl were like who? So, I changed it to SunShine and now all my friends and family can find me lol lol .I thought about changing it to SunShine when I was 18 to be my legal name, but my mom liked the name she gave me and that would have made me feel bad. So, the nick name stayed and of course for work and government purposes Shauna is used there!
BlackSistah: How long have you been natural?
Sunshine:Well, I'm 33 years old and out of those years I was not natural for about 7 of them! This time around I am going on being natural for 3 years and that's without any heat or color!
BlackSistah: What made you go natural?
Sunshine:What made me go back to being natural was when I changed my lifestyle after my mom passed away with breast cancer. I just wanted to be a more healthier me. I have been vegetarian for almost 6 years! So, it was only right!
BlackSistah: Why is Sunshine Natural &Loving It?
Sunshine:I am loving the relationship I have with my hair lol and sharing how I have felt along this journey has helped me to meet some outstanding women, you included! I love my hair, I love the freedom of being me, and I love being natural!
BlackSistah: What product do you consider a staple of yours?
Sunshine:Shea Moisture is definitely a mainstay! I use many of their products which I will share during the next question. I also use Deep SOULutions by Natural Girls Rock and many essential oils. Those oils are; Coconut oil, Olive oil, Jojoba oil, Sunflower oil, Grapeseed oil, I also use Castor oil on occasion.
BlackSistah: Do you have a hair care regimen? Why or why not? And If so, would you be willing to share it?
Sunshine:My regimen is sort of long, but mostly I wash my hair every 4 to 6 weeks or co~wash when needed. I use Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter Conditioner and Shampoo, the Deep Treatment Masque, Curl Enhancing Smoothie or Styling Milk for styling, and also treat my scalp with the Thickening Moisture Mist. I seal in these products with the essential oils I mentioned and with a Shea Butter Mix product called Twisty Locs from HPO Spa Treatments. Oh! I absolutely love my Huetiful Hair Steamer! I used is when I am conditioning my hair!
BlackSistah: What's the natural scene like in your state?
Sunshine:When I am out and about I see many naturals. When I am on SN& LI! I see STL naturals too. I am going to start doing meetups real soon, so that we can all meet and support each other.
BlackSistah: What tips would you offer to someone who may read this and is considering going natural?
Sunshine:Love Yourself, Embrace Your Curls, and spread some SunShine! That's my motto, because it will not always be easy or start off easy. It can if you OWN It! I say to rock your natural hair like you would with a whole head of weave! Be confident and make sure that you research! Use products that people are using that have similar hair characteristics. This will help you cut down on being a product junky. If you find something that works stick with it! BAM!
BlackSistah: 5 words that best describe you and your personality?
Sunshine:SunShiny, Confident, Empathetic, Supportive, and Educated
BlackSistah: Anything else you'd like to share with my readers? Anything we should know about the Sunshine in our lives?
Sunshine:lol...well let's see. Oh! I have my very own natural tee line located at http://naturalandlovingit.spreadshirt.com My favorite color is green, I hate onions, and love reality TV! Are y'all watching America's Next Top Model? lol I am! I am also becoming a Doctor of Education. Stay tuned! On a more serious note, I am humbled by the overwhelming response I have gotten on the http://sunshinesnaturalandlovingit.com/ where you can also find me on YouTube and Facebook. I am so happy to have so many beautiful people to share this journey with. Thank you so much Chastity for giving me this opportunity. Love you always!
Thanks again to Sunshine for bringing her natural rays of Sunshine to us.
Catch her on Facebook @ sunshinesnaturalandlovingit!!
Her t-shirts: http://www.naturalandlovingit.spreadshirt.com
Note:All photos courtesy of Sunshine@Sunshine'snaturalandlovingit.com
Sunshine:Yes, SunShine is my real name. My real nick name that is. My great grandmother Mama Sarah named me that when I was a baby and it just stuck! I used it throughout life and even while in college too. I don't think anyone knew that my first name was Shauna lol. So, when I first started my Facebook page and put Shauna ppl were like who? So, I changed it to SunShine and now all my friends and family can find me lol lol .I thought about changing it to SunShine when I was 18 to be my legal name, but my mom liked the name she gave me and that would have made me feel bad. So, the nick name stayed and of course for work and government purposes Shauna is used there!
BlackSistah: How long have you been natural?
Sunshine:Well, I'm 33 years old and out of those years I was not natural for about 7 of them! This time around I am going on being natural for 3 years and that's without any heat or color!
BlackSistah: What made you go natural?
Sunshine:What made me go back to being natural was when I changed my lifestyle after my mom passed away with breast cancer. I just wanted to be a more healthier me. I have been vegetarian for almost 6 years! So, it was only right!
BlackSistah: Why is Sunshine Natural &Loving It?
Sunshine:I am loving the relationship I have with my hair lol and sharing how I have felt along this journey has helped me to meet some outstanding women, you included! I love my hair, I love the freedom of being me, and I love being natural!
BlackSistah: What product do you consider a staple of yours?
Sunshine:Shea Moisture is definitely a mainstay! I use many of their products which I will share during the next question. I also use Deep SOULutions by Natural Girls Rock and many essential oils. Those oils are; Coconut oil, Olive oil, Jojoba oil, Sunflower oil, Grapeseed oil, I also use Castor oil on occasion.
BlackSistah: Do you have a hair care regimen? Why or why not? And If so, would you be willing to share it?
Sunshine:My regimen is sort of long, but mostly I wash my hair every 4 to 6 weeks or co~wash when needed. I use Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter Conditioner and Shampoo, the Deep Treatment Masque, Curl Enhancing Smoothie or Styling Milk for styling, and also treat my scalp with the Thickening Moisture Mist. I seal in these products with the essential oils I mentioned and with a Shea Butter Mix product called Twisty Locs from HPO Spa Treatments. Oh! I absolutely love my Huetiful Hair Steamer! I used is when I am conditioning my hair!
BlackSistah: What's the natural scene like in your state?
Sunshine:When I am out and about I see many naturals. When I am on SN& LI! I see STL naturals too. I am going to start doing meetups real soon, so that we can all meet and support each other.
BlackSistah: What tips would you offer to someone who may read this and is considering going natural?
Sunshine:Love Yourself, Embrace Your Curls, and spread some SunShine! That's my motto, because it will not always be easy or start off easy. It can if you OWN It! I say to rock your natural hair like you would with a whole head of weave! Be confident and make sure that you research! Use products that people are using that have similar hair characteristics. This will help you cut down on being a product junky. If you find something that works stick with it! BAM!
BlackSistah: 5 words that best describe you and your personality?
Sunshine:SunShiny, Confident, Empathetic, Supportive, and Educated
BlackSistah: Anything else you'd like to share with my readers? Anything we should know about the Sunshine in our lives?
Sunshine:lol...well let's see. Oh! I have my very own natural tee line located at http://naturalandlovingit.spreadshirt.com My favorite color is green, I hate onions, and love reality TV! Are y'all watching America's Next Top Model? lol I am! I am also becoming a Doctor of Education. Stay tuned! On a more serious note, I am humbled by the overwhelming response I have gotten on the http://sunshinesnaturalandlovingit.com/ where you can also find me on YouTube and Facebook. I am so happy to have so many beautiful people to share this journey with. Thank you so much Chastity for giving me this opportunity. Love you always!
Thanks again to Sunshine for bringing her natural rays of Sunshine to us.
Catch her on Facebook @ sunshinesnaturalandlovingit!!
Her t-shirts: http://www.naturalandlovingit.spreadshirt.com
Note:All photos courtesy of Sunshine@Sunshine'snaturalandlovingit.com
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